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Category Archives: Republicans
Romney paved the way for Obamacare
During the 2012 presidential election campaign, I caught grief from Mormon friends and some family members for not supporting Mitt Romney. I made several posts on this blog about being LDS and not for Romney. There was a feeling among … Continue reading
Posted in Liberal Republicans
Tagged LDS and not for Romney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Romneycare, Tom Stemberg
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Mitch McConnell’s Duplicity
I was confident, because of Mitch McConnell’s tepid response to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, that what he really wanted to do was continue funding them while appearing to oppose that. After all, Senator McConnell is the defender of the … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Levin Show, Mitch McConnell, Planned Parenthood
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The Uncommon Courage of Congressman Mark Meadows
It’s been almost three weeks since Congressman Mark Meadows made his gutsy motion to vacate the office of Speaker of the House. While the motion fizzled, as expected, I’d like to memorialize Congressman Meadows for his act of uncommon courage, … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged John Boehner, John Boehner corrupt, Mark Levin, Mark Meadows, Obamatrade, vacate the chair, vacate the office of Speaker
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Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership
I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading
Posted in Republicans
Tagged Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer, establishment media, Fox News, George Will, John Cornyn, Mark Levin, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell lied, Republican corruption, Republican establishment, Republican leadership, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ted Cruz
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McConnell lies to Republicans, and Cruz calls him on it
In a dramatic speech on the Senate floor on Friday, Ted Cruz accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying to the other Republican Senators about a deal to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank. And interestingly, McConnell has no response. It’s … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Conservative Review, corporate welfare, establishment media, Export-import Bank, Mark Levin Show, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell lied, Republican establishment, Ted Cruz, Trade Promotion Authority
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The mask coming off for Mitt Romney
I’m a big supporter of the Senate Conservatives fund. I give them money and I’m on their mailing list. I just got an e-mail from them announcing their first endorsement for the 2016 elections: Mike Lee for Senate in Utah. … Continue reading
Posted in Moderate Republicans
Tagged Abby Huntsman, Bob Worsley corrupt, Chamber of Commerce, LDS and not for Romney, Mitt Romney, Ralph Heap, Romney a moderate, Senate Conservatives Fund, Spencer Zwick
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The election was clearly a Tea Party victory
Republican moderates and liberals have been out trying to spin last Tuesday’s election as something that it wasn’t. I’ve been hearing them on Fox News. Brit Hume was saying it on election eve, and Mara Liasson was saying it the … Continue reading
Posted in Moderate Republicans
Tagged Ben Sasse, Brit Hume, Conservative Victory Project, Mara Liasson, Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Tom Cotton
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Karl Rove’s coverup
Eli Lake, intrepid reporter for the Daily Beast, broke this story on Thursday. It was Karl Rove who was at the center of what could be called a coverup of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Here … Continue reading
Posted in Liberal Republicans
Tagged Daily Beast, Drudge Report, Eli Lake, Fox News, Iraq war, Karl Rove, Mark Levin, moderate Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, weapons of mass destruction
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Republicans poised to take control of the Senate – ho hum
The buzz on Fox News Special Report tonight was that Republican Senate candidates across the country seem to be doing well, and it is becoming more clear as time goes on that Republicans will take control of the Senate. So. … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged 2014 elections, Harry Reid, John Boehner, midterm elections, Mitch McConnell
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Don’t lie to me, Senator Rubio
I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from Florida Senator Marco Rubio that rekindled all my negative feelings about him. Back in July, 2013, I wrote a post titled I’m through with Marco Rubio. The occasion was his attempt to push … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Chris McDaniel, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Milton Wolf, Mitch McConnell, National Republican Congressional Committee, NRCC, Ted Cruz
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Is this what establishment Republicans really think of conservatives?
The Republican establishment crossed a line in their desperate attempt to rescue a crony in Mississippi. And I think they’re going to pay for this. I think we’re only starting to see the backlash. For background, Senator Thad Cochran has … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Chamber of Commerce, Chris McDaniel, John McCain, Mark Levin Show, Mississippi Republican primary, Mitch McConnell, Republican majority, Thad Cochran
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Republican Senate leadership is trying to fool us on the debt ceiling vote
I’m a fervent conservative and a life-long Republican. But if I lived in Kentucky, I’d probably work for the defeat of Mitch McConnell in his Senate re-election campaign, even against the Democrat. That’s how disgusted I am with how he … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Jeff Flake, John Boehner, John Cornyn, LDS politicians, McConnell's fingerprints, Mitch McConnell, raising debt ceiling, Republican establishment, US debt ceiling
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