Tag Archives: Jim DeMint

Don’t Fund Obamacare!

Here is the link to sign the petition to defund Obamacare. www.dontfundobamacare.com This is being spearheaded by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and it appears that there is also involvement by the Senate Conservatives Fund, which was started by … Continue reading

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Why Congress will not actually cut spending

Too many people do not actually understand the political strategy of the Democrats, so let me explain it. They are using the power of the government to entrench themselves, and it is happening on several levels. Senator Jim DeMint was … Continue reading

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Could Sarah Palin end up endorsing Mike Pence?

Wednesday, Special Report featured Congressman Mike Pence in its “12 in 2012” report of possible Republican candidates for President. I could go for Mike Pence. I suspect a lot of other conservatives could. I was impressed with his vote against … Continue reading

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Jim DeMint for President?

I hadn’t heard people speak of Jim DeMint for President before it was brought up by Fox News, but I like the idea. He has solid convinctions and courage. During the 2010 midterm election cycle he was interviewed by Mark … Continue reading

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Jim DeMint for Majority Leader

So, Lisa Murkowski is running as a write-in against the legitimate Republican Senate nominee, Joe Miller. Which shows what motivates her – a love of power. She says she’s doing it for Alaska, which brings to mind a question. If … Continue reading

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