Tag Archives: CNN

The establishment media wants us scared and shut down

On Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was interviewed on CNBC and made this interesting statement: “We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might … Continue reading

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The emotional disorder of our Trump-hating media

I have laid low with this blog for the past couple of years, but I feel constrained to comment on our deteriorating media, how their Trump-hating has descended into a full-blown emotional disorder. There are two examples of this: Throughout … Continue reading

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Will the real Faux News please stand up

It’s been interesting following this Brian Williams scandal. The problem NBC executives had in dealing with him, as I read from NBC sources, was that the audience really likes him, and most of the responses they got from their audience … Continue reading

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Corruption in the Conservative media?

This is an e-mail posting I received from a liberal from St. Paul who calls himself Ruck, responding to me writing about corruption in the establishment media. In an earlier posting, I called NPR’s firing of Juan William and example … Continue reading

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