Category Archives: Gun Control

A shooting like we had in Roseburg would not have happened in the wild West

As President Obama wrapped up his trip to Roseburg, Oregon on Friday trying to politically exploit the tragedy, it’s worth noting some interesting facts about these shootings. But first, I would like to point out Obama’s lack of credibility with … Continue reading

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This says it all about gun-free zones

All this post needs is the photograph – no commentary is necessary. This is from the terrorist shooting in Tennessee. Rush Limbaugh published this today on his website. Click here to visit the Liberty Musings conservative politics home page.

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Miranda rights vs Right to keep and bear arms. The Left reveals its true colors.

I don’t think I’ve seen the American Left in such nimble mental gymnastics, ever. We just got through hearing from many on the Left, including President Obama, how, if we could save just one child, we should move to restrict … Continue reading

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Jeff Flake joins the Democrats in opening the door for more gun control

I felt this was the way Jeff Flake was going to go. I have seen him as one who would more like to “go along to get along” than to defend our liberties. He was one of the Republicans called … Continue reading

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Gun-free zone – a dangerous place to be

One thing that recent mass shootings have hopefully taught us – this idea of creating “gun-free” zones has cost us dozens of lives. I think it would be a good idea if someone prominent in the national media would start … Continue reading

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It’s open season on Wayne LaPierre and the NRA

I have little doubt that many members of the anti-gun movement would like to ban all guns except those that would be used against conservatives who stand up for our liberties. In particular, they have their sights now set on … Continue reading

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Left going bonkers over the second amendment debate

When Wayne LaPierre made his proposal to have armed security in our schools I thought it sounded like a very sensible proposal, and one the Left would obviously fight. But I underestimated the sheer paranoia that ensued from them. The … Continue reading

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Shameless gun control advocates and the Aurora shooting

It is so disgusting to hear the Left trying again to push gun control on us, as decent people all over the country are trying to mourn the slain in Aurora. Couldn’t you people just lay off it for a … Continue reading

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