Tag Archives: Rush Limbaugh

Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership

I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading

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This says it all about gun-free zones

All this post needs is the photograph – no commentary is necessary. This is from the terrorist shooting in Tennessee. Rush Limbaugh published this today on his website. Click here to visit the Liberty Musings conservative politics home page.

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Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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Karl Rove’s coverup

Eli Lake, intrepid reporter for the Daily Beast, broke this story on Thursday. It was Karl Rove who was at the center of what could be called a coverup of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Here … Continue reading

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What we’ve learned about Gov. Christie in Bridgegate

I heard the commentaries after Governor Christie held his marathon press conference on Thursday. George Will, who was on the Special Report All Star Panel that evening, praised him for doing everything right. “He came out and used honest, thumping … Continue reading

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Charlie Rose: a developing idea that the president’s not so good at foreign policy

Rush Limbaugh today commented on Charlie Rose saying, on his PBS show last night, the following: “Two questions about this I’m fascinated by in terms of whether there’s a developing idea that the president’s not so good at foreign policy, … Continue reading

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The war for Obama to save face

Obama is at it again. McCain is at it again. The Republican establishment is at it again. All jumping on this bandwagon about Syria and all so out of touch with the people. “The consequences of the Congress of the … Continue reading

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Republicans, don’t trust John Boehner

Today my two favorite radio talk show hosts, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh, were both going after John Boehner. They see through his positioning, and warned against his recent consolidation of power through his purge of tea-party-oriented members of his … Continue reading

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Rush Limbaugh’s unemployment numbers prediction from last December

Rush Limbaugh opened Friday’s program talking about the great unemployment number achievement of Obama: “There you have it folks, the economy’s back, the stimulus worked, the jobs council’s programs all worked, Obamacare worked. Look at all the jobs! 114,000 new … Continue reading

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Could Eric Holder be hiding donations from drug cartels?

I have heard several commentators theorize that Eric Holder was pushing the Fast and Furious gun running operation to promote the need for more gun control. Clearly there is a huge coverup here, and clearly there’s an ulterior motive for … Continue reading

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Conservatives – get Rick Santorum or you’re going to lose an important contstituency

I’m so frustrated with our conservative opinion leaders, I could spit. I love Rush Limbaugh – I catch some of his show every day. I highly respect Mark Levin – I download his podcast and try to catch every point he … Continue reading

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I’m frustrated with the direction of the Republican nomination process

And what I’m frustrated with is the behavior of certain “opinion leaders” in the conservative movement. Yes, the country has deteriorated morally considerably in the last thirty years, since we elected Reagan. But we need more conservatives who are willing … Continue reading

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