Monthly Archives: November 2012

Charitable deductions in the crosshairs

The agonizing over the fiscal cliff would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Here we have the players including House Speaker John Boehner, the President, and various senators, wringing their hands over dealing with the looming fiscal cliff, when … Continue reading

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The triumph of peace and happiness in Egypt – It’s not to be

The thing is, what is happening in Egypt was entirely predictable. The people I trust to give me reliable interpretations of what is going on in the world told us months ago that we were not seeing the birth of … Continue reading

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Republicans’ misguided focus on Ambassador Susan Rice

So Susan Rice comes out with a statement defending what she said on the Sunday talk shows on September 16. And it she’s lying. But is this any reason to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State? Here’s what she … Continue reading

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Chris Christie’s sabotage of the election

Was it Chris Christie’s rescue of Obama’s image over Hurricane Sandy that cost the Republicans the election? We can’t say for absolute sure, but it’s looking like that may be the case. Dick Morris calls it “Christie’s fawning promotion of … Continue reading

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If Romney wins tomorrow, brace yourself for charges of voter suppression

Remember how the Obama justice department threatened Gallup over their opinion poll results? The story was reported by The Daily Caller on September 6. David Axelrod complained about poll results unfavorable to Obama, and then Gallup was threatened with a … Continue reading

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Chris Christie – not to be trusted

I’m categorizing this post under “Republican presidential candidates.” Not that Chris Christie is one, but it’s obvious he’s planning to be one in the future. Mark Levin had this guy pegged long before I figured him out. He appeared to … Continue reading

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I told you so on the jobs numbers

On October 5, on the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel, just after the unbelievable 7.8% number had come out for the unemployment rate, Steve Hayes predicted trouble down the road for the administration when the correction came out … Continue reading

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