Tag Archives: Bill Kristol

Utter nonsense from “conservatives” on supporting Obama

I just read a piece from The Weekly Standard where Bill Kristol is quoting James Ceaser, whom he dubs “one of American conservatism’s leading thinkers.” He’s lecturing us on the importance of supporting the president. The reasoning, to me, is … Continue reading

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Obama needs to be memorialized with a new scandal suffix

Ever since Watergate, it has been the practice to name each new scandal with a -gate suffix: Travelgate, Filegate, Thisgate and Thatgate. The reason? Watergate was the benchmark for scandals. However, Obama has broken new ground in scandals, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Power | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Chuck Hagle – The perfect choice for Secretary of Defense

It’s interesting to see the punditry surrounding Chuck Hagel’s performance in his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense. Yesterday, on Fox News Sunday, Laura Ingraham criticized his performance, saying that it may have been the worst ever by a cabinet … Continue reading

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The triumph of peace and happiness in Egypt – It’s not to be

The thing is, what is happening in Egypt was entirely predictable. The people I trust to give me reliable interpretations of what is going on in the world told us months ago that we were not seeing the birth of … Continue reading

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If Government is Gonna Be Shutdown, Own It, GOP!

This was Rush’s headline comment for his radio show today, and was his lead comment on his e-mail blast after the show. And it looks like that’s what the Republicans are going to do. I certainly hope so. I was … Continue reading

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The Anti-TSA Groping Wave Is Coming. Better Watch Out!

It surprised me when the entire panel of Fox News Sunday on Sunday, November 21, came to a consensus that the hubbub over the TSA ogling and groping was no big deal. The conservatives on the panel were Bill Kristol, … Continue reading

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The War against the Republican Establishment

I just listened to the Special Report panel discussion on Fox News, and this is one time where the leftist, Juan Williams made more sense than the supposed conservatives, Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer. And it underscores the battle that … Continue reading

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