Monthly Archives: September 2010

Gail from Birmingham

I just got through listening to a most interesting caller on the Rush Limbaugh program. I record Rush during work, so I can listen to him later, and I was just flipping the tape over at the end of the first … Continue reading

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Jim DeMint for Majority Leader

So, Lisa Murkowski is running as a write-in against the legitimate Republican Senate nominee, Joe Miller. Which shows what motivates her – a love of power. She says she’s doing it for Alaska, which brings to mind a question. If … Continue reading

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State Senator Russell Pearce on Proposition 203 – Medical Marijuana

Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce was the guest speaker at the Mountain View Tea Party tonight. He is clearly a very bright man who demonstrated thorough mastery of the issues facing Arizona. I was most intrigued by his comments on Ballot … Continue reading

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Zero tolerance for dissent

One of the scariest of many scary things to come out of the Obama administration is the recent threat of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to shut insurance companies out from the health insurance exchanges if they … Continue reading

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The War against the Republican Establishment

I just listened to the Special Report panel discussion on Fox News, and this is one time where the leftist, Juan Williams made more sense than the supposed conservatives, Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer. And it underscores the battle that … Continue reading

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See, the Quran Burnings ARE a backlash

The news from yesterday and this morning makes it clear that Pastor Jones’ Quran burning was directly tied to the Ground Zero Islamic Battle Monument. And now in this morning’s news we have more incidents cropping up. I told you … Continue reading

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Why Burn the Quran?

It’s unfortunate that this Rev. Terry Jones is having this Quran burning party. Not a good idea. It’s hard to see how this helps anything. But why is he doing it? I felt as soon as I heard about it … Continue reading

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Fighting dissembling.

I have extensive experience in combatting evil in a couple of different contexts—in a legal venue, and in organization politics. A key element in my strategy in both contexts was to uncover the true motivations of the evil-doers. Evil always … Continue reading

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Persistent in Their Idiocy

I should be used to this by now, but I must confess that I was awe-struck by the absolute idiocy of George Stephanopoulos and Paul Krugman. Unemployment is growing. There is no sign whatsoever that the stimulus did anything to our country’s … Continue reading

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