Jim DeMint for Majority Leader

So, Lisa Murkowski is running as a write-in against the legitimate Republican Senate nominee, Joe Miller. Which shows what motivates her – a love of power. She says she’s doing it for Alaska, which brings to mind a question. If she loves Alaska so much, why can’t she accept what the voters have asked her to do, which is step aside and let Joe Miller carry the banner?

What she has done is small and petulant. But what is outrageous is what the Senate Republican leadership has done. After she has decided to run against her party’s nominee, her party leadership in the Senate is encouraging her by allowing her to keep her key committee position (ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee). See article in The Hill.

She says this action implies Senate affirmation of her bid to supplant the party’s nominee. It kind of seems that way, doesn’t it? Jim DeMint is said to be fit to be tied. I think Mitch McConnell should be tied.

In my book, the Senate Republicans were already on thin ice. The Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee has been waging war against the grass roots, trying to push liberals onto us every chance they have had. Fortunately, the grass roots have been pushing back and have a long string of victories. It’s time for new Republican leadership in the Senate. Really. Leaders who won’t continue to try to govern against the people.

Jim DeMint for Majority Leader in 2012. I could rally under that banner.

About mesasmiles

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs Infinity Dental Web, a small company that does Internet marketing for dentists. He has had a long-standing interest in politics and as a college student toyed with the idea of a political career.
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