Category Archives: Health Care

Washington is perfecting the art of ruling us against our wills

The arguments being presented before the Supreme Court on Obamacare are revealing what a mess this law has made of our healthcare system. And it’s due in large part to the manner in which is was rammed through. Last night, … Continue reading

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Obamacare’s death panels

Last Wednesday, Mark Levin, on his radio show, took a call from a physician named Chris from Milwaukee. Chris reported on a seminar he had attended in Rhode Island where Ezekiel (“Zeke”) Emanuel was speaking on Obamacare. He was explaining … Continue reading

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Cold, unfeeling government health care

Last night, Mark Levin on his radio show had a caller, Matt from Chicago, who related an experience with his father and the Veterans Administration: “Real quick, you’re talking about  the VA and government health care. Seven years ago my … Continue reading

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Marketing Obamacare with sleaze

So we’re seeing the “Got Insurance” ads, marketing Obamacare. Some are appalled by the blatant sleaze. But no one should be surprised. Here’s one of the ads people are talking about: But it’s not what the ad says, directly, but … Continue reading

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Obama’s lying isn’t as troubling as the people who prop him up

It is clear that Obamacare was designed to supplant private health insurance with government exchanges, Medicaid-like government paid health care, and government approved insurance. But Obama couldn’t say that and get the law passed – he had to lie and … Continue reading

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Will Obamacare Implode?

He said it again Monday night on the Special Report All Star Panel – Charles Krauthammer was talking about Obamacare imploding. This idea that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee had about defunding Obamacare was all the wrong strategy – Republicans … Continue reading

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Obamacare was passed fraudulently, not fair and square

I love how Obama tries to paint his signature legislation now as being passed fair and square, properly signed by him, and validated by the Supreme Court, so these Tea Party Republicans should just get over it – give up. … Continue reading

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Budget, or debt ceiling – where is it better for Republicans to draw the line?

This past week, Charles Krauthammer, who is pro-Republican and is on the Fox News Special Report panel, has been arguing that Republicans should not be trying to defund Obamacare by drawing a red line on the budget but by making … Continue reading

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Don’t Fund Obamacare!

Here is the link to sign the petition to defund Obamacare. This is being spearheaded by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and it appears that there is also involvement by the Senate Conservatives Fund, which was started by … Continue reading

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Media conservatives simply don’t get it on Obamacare defunding

Friday was a low point in what Fox News calls its “All Star Panel” on Special Report, as they discussed the House vote on funding all of the government except Obamacare. The Inside the Beltway crowd simply doesn’t have any … Continue reading

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Republicans: Don’t be intimidated by Obama’s red line on Obamacare

Congressional Republicans could learn a lesson from Bashar Al-Assad – You can stand up to Obama. I get tired of listening to all these media conservatives who remember the great budget battle of 1995 as a defeat for Republicans. It’s … Continue reading

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The Obama administration’s war on the sick

A little-known rule, a provision of Obamacare, went into effect this week. Starting this month, hospitals with high re-admission rates will be penalized to the amount of 1% of their Medicare payments. For hospitals, who often operate on slim margins, … Continue reading

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