Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Obamacare’s death panels

Last Wednesday, Mark Levin, on his radio show, took a call from a physician named Chris from Milwaukee. Chris reported on a seminar he had attended in Rhode Island where Ezekiel (“Zeke”) Emanuel was speaking on Obamacare. He was explaining … Continue reading

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NSA data collection – The great disconnect between the ruling class and the people

I wrote in an earlier post, titled Snowden a Patriot?, that this issue graphically illustrates the divide between the ruling class, including so-called conservative commentators who operate inside the Beltway, with the people. This was dramatically highlighted by a poll … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin, Jeff Flake, and Kirk Adams – sorting it all out

I just found a posting from about ten days ago on the Gilbert Watch blog: Randy Hatch, Chairman of AZ Red Mountain Tea Party, speaks out. I basically agree with most of the conclusions, but it shows a political naiveté … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s slap in the face to Wil Cardon

I just got an e-mail announcing that Sarah Palin has endorsed Jeff Flake for Congress. When Wil Cardon appeared at the Mountain View Tea Party, he tried to answer a question about the Club for Growth, who has also endorsed … Continue reading

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A Tea Party defense of Utah Senator Orrin Hatch

Wednesday night, Mark Levin, on his radio show, gave a spirited defense of Senator Orrin Hatch. Senator Hatch is being challenged in his re-election bid by fellow Republican and former Utah State Senator Dan Liljenquist. The Left presents this as … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin is wrong on this one – Rick Santorum is the most electable conservative

I very much admire Sarah Palin. I’ve read her autobiography, and view her as a true, freedom-loving patriot. But she and other conservatives are making a gross tactical error in backing Newt Gingrich. It’s splintering the Republican party terribly and … Continue reading

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Conservatives – get Rick Santorum or you’re going to lose an important contstituency

I’m so frustrated with our conservative opinion leaders, I could spit. I love Rush Limbaugh – I catch some of his show every day. I highly respect Mark Levin – I download his podcast and try to catch every point he … Continue reading

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How Obamacare death panels will operate

A little over a week ago, Mark Levin took a call on his radio show from Jeff from Chicago. Jeff is a neurosurgeon who had just returned from a meeting in Washington, DC, where fellow members of the American Association … Continue reading

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Admitting, reluctantly, that Romney won this debate

I am not a big fan of Mitt Romney. People wonder at that, since I am LDS, expecting me to fall in line. But I bristle at that thought. The nation’s politics are in dire straits, and I feel the … Continue reading

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This debate goes to Michele Bachmann

The clear victor in tonight’s Republican debate, in my mind, was Michele Bachmann. Besides watching the debate, I watched some post-debate interviews on Fox, and the one that was fascinating was Greta Van Susteren interviewing Sarah Palin. Governor Palin helped … Continue reading

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Rick Perry interviewed on the Mark Levin show

Thursday, Rick Perry appeared on the Mark Levin Show. He had previously appeared to avoid the encounter, so this was a good sign. He generally did well. Gov. Perry talked about focusing the role of the federal government on those things … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s role

In spite of the pleas from the Left for more civility in public discourse, the vitriol against Sarah Palin appears to be on the rise, and death threats against her are increasing. Public comments in recent days have been exceptionally … Continue reading

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