Tag Archives: Rick Perry

Ted Cruz for Senate

I heard Ted Cruz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show the other day. Was I impressed! I sent him some money. Ted Cruz is a constitutional and social conservative who is running for the U.S. Senate against Texas Lt. Gov. … Continue reading

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Character does matter in a Republican presidential candidate

My problem with Newt as a presidential candidate, from the beginning, has been the character issue. Twelve years ago, Democrats were trying to sell us on the idea that character doesn’t matter in a president – only his policies and … Continue reading

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Michele Bachmann has not stumbled

I just finished reading a truly ignorant posting on TownHall.com by Victor Davis Hanson, about how we Republicans should “take our castor oil” and nominate Mitt Romney. Not only has his type of thinking led the Republican party to defeat time after … Continue reading

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Rick Perry stumbles in Fox News Sunday interview

Texas governor Rick Perry was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this morning. Leave it to Chris Wallace to zero in on the toughest questions, and for Rick Perry it was questioning his debating skills. After brushing off Chris’s … Continue reading

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Bachmann the most likely Republican candidate to beat Obama

Michele Bachmann was interviewed again by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. And I must say it was another stellar performance. She was asked about Herman Cain, about his blunders last week over abortion and negotiating with terrorists and changing … Continue reading

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A disappointing interview by Herman Cain

I have liked Herman Cain and have put him in my top tier of Republican hopefuls: Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain – the three principled conservatives in the race. But his interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News … Continue reading

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Admitting, reluctantly, that Romney won this debate

I am not a big fan of Mitt Romney. People wonder at that, since I am LDS, expecting me to fall in line. But I bristle at that thought. The nation’s politics are in dire straits, and I feel the … Continue reading

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This debate goes to Michele Bachmann

The clear victor in tonight’s Republican debate, in my mind, was Michele Bachmann. Besides watching the debate, I watched some post-debate interviews on Fox, and the one that was fascinating was Greta Van Susteren interviewing Sarah Palin. Governor Palin helped … Continue reading

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Rick Perry interviewed on the Mark Levin show

Thursday, Rick Perry appeared on the Mark Levin Show. He had previously appeared to avoid the encounter, so this was a good sign. He generally did well. Gov. Perry talked about focusing the role of the federal government on those things … Continue reading

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Who won the Iowa debate? (from Arizona Tea Party Network)

The Arizona Tea Party Network is running an online poll asking who did the best in last night’s Republican debate. Here are the rankings so far, as of 11:00 this morning: Newt Gingrich – 34% Michele Bachmann – 21% Ron … Continue reading

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