Tag Archives: Chris Wallace

The Democrats Brer Rabbit negotiating strategy on the fiscal cliff

As a Republican, John Boehner scares me when he gets into negotiations with the Democrats. They run circles around him. He acts tough early on in the process, and then he caves and strikes the most horrendous deals. Chris Wallace … Continue reading

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Why would the White House pass up this opportunity to reassure us?

Chris Wallace’s interview yesterday on Fox News Sunday with Senior Obama Advisor David Plouffe was delicious. There were tough questions about the recent national security leaks and a lot of dancing around them by Plouffe. First was an excellent question … Continue reading

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Problems for Newt

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday there were a couple of bombs lobbed at the Gingrich campaign. I hope thinking Republicans will take note. Gingrich may, in fact, in spite of his recognized brilliance as a debater, be the weakest possible … Continue reading

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Fox News Sunday panel reams Gingrich

Yesterday, Fox News Sunday panel talked about Newt Gingrich, and moderator Chris Wallace asked about his receiving money from Freddie Mac and various major healthcare company. AB Stoddard’s answer was withering: “I think he’s been disingenuous in his answers. The … Continue reading

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Rick Perry stumbles in Fox News Sunday interview

Texas governor Rick Perry was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this morning. Leave it to Chris Wallace to zero in on the toughest questions, and for Rick Perry it was questioning his debating skills. After brushing off Chris’s … Continue reading

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Bachmann the most likely Republican candidate to beat Obama

Michele Bachmann was interviewed again by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. And I must say it was another stellar performance. She was asked about Herman Cain, about his blunders last week over abortion and negotiating with terrorists and changing … Continue reading

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A disappointing interview by Herman Cain

I have liked Herman Cain and have put him in my top tier of Republican hopefuls: Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain – the three principled conservatives in the race. But his interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News … Continue reading

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A Gutsy Move by Standard & Poors

That was a gutsy move by Standard & Poors to downgrade the credit rating of the United States. The King does not like bad news. This makes Standard & Poors a target of the administration, as statements over the weekend … Continue reading

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The Intolerance of the Left Illustrated by NPR

Conservatives live in frustration trying to deal with the dissembling of the Left. And one of those aggravating pretenses with which they deceive so many people is that they are tolerant and broad-minded.  Often it seems that they deceive even … Continue reading

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