Tag Archives: Kirsten Powers

Intolerance in modern-day liberalism – this is what the same sex marriage issue is about

There is a scary part of this debate over same-sex marriage that few people are talking about, and it was illustrated on last night’s panel discussion on Fox News Special Report. I respect Kirsten Powers as an honest, blue-blooded Liberal, … Continue reading

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Libya scandal compared with Watergate

So we have continuing revelations, embarrassing to the Obama administration, coming out of the Libya scandal. Figuring out what happened was pretty easy for those of us who understand the Left and understand Obama. I continue to follow it, not … Continue reading

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Problems for Newt

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday there were a couple of bombs lobbed at the Gingrich campaign. I hope thinking Republicans will take note. Gingrich may, in fact, in spite of his recognized brilliance as a debater, be the weakest possible … Continue reading

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