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Tag Archives: Michele Bachmann
Don’t lie to me, Senator Rubio
I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from Florida Senator Marco Rubio that rekindled all my negative feelings about him. Back in July, 2013, I wrote a post titled I’m through with Marco Rubio. The occasion was his attempt to push … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Chris McDaniel, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Milton Wolf, Mitch McConnell, National Republican Congressional Committee, NRCC, Ted Cruz
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The corruption of John Boehner
I am a big fan of Mark Levin, listen to his radio show regularly, and his opinions and analysis carry a great deal of weight with me. So I have been disappointed that he hasn’t seemed to see through John … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged Benghazi investigation, Benghazi select committee, get rid of John Boehner, IRS scandal, John Boehner corrupt, Mark Levin, Mark Levin Show, Michele Bachmann
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I’m through with Marco Rubio
I contributed to Marco Rubio in his run for the Senate in 2010. I loved his speech at last year’s Republican National Convention. I continue to get fundraising letters from him. But this last mailing I got from him, I … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Republicans
Tagged comprehensive Democrat importation, Huma Abedin, immigration reform, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Mitch McConnell, Muslim Brotherhood
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Was Mark Levin partly responsible for John Boehner’s glorious defeat?
Well, to Boehner, his defeat is embarrassing. But to me it is glorious. Last night, in the second hour of his radio, Mark Levin called for a “Levin surge.” He gave out the phone number for the congressional switchboard and … Continue reading
For McCain, political opportunism trumps character in attack on Bachmann
John McCain, last week, took to the floor of the Senate to condemn an investigation by Michele Bachmann and four other members of the House Intelligence Committee: Louie Gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland, Trent Franks, and Thomas Rooney. Here is what he … Continue reading
Posted in Liberal Republicans, Terrorism
Tagged Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Louie gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland, Michele Bachmann, Muslim Brotherhood, Thomas Rooney, Trent Franks, Uma Abedin
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Taking applications for Republican Majority Leader, Speaker of the House
Upon personally meeting a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives and having an opportunity to ask some questions, one of the first I wanted to ask was how he felt about John Boehner as Speaker. I was delighted to … Continue reading
Posted in Wimpy Republicans
Tagged Allen West, Darrell Issa, John Boehner, Michele Bachmann, Mitch McConnell, Obamacare repeal, Paul Ryan, Steve King
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Michele Bachmann correct in her jab at Newt
In Saturday night’s debate, Michele Bachmann accused Newt Gingrich of having once supported a cap-and-trade program to address “global warming” concerns. Newt then accused her of not getting her facts straight again. But she was correct, and I don’t believe … Continue reading
Posted in Republican Presidential Candidates
Tagged cap and trade, global warming hoax, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Republican debate
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Michele Bachmann’s “slip-up” on the embassy in Iran
It was widely reported last week that Michele Bachmann had made some reference to her idea that the United States shouldn’t have an embassy in Iran, as if she didn’t know that the United States hasn’t had an embassy in … Continue reading
Posted in Republican Presidential Candidates
Tagged Mark Levin, Michele Bachmann, NBC News, US embassy in Iran
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Problems for Newt
Yesterday on Fox News Sunday there were a couple of bombs lobbed at the Gingrich campaign. I hope thinking Republicans will take note. Gingrich may, in fact, in spite of his recognized brilliance as a debater, be the weakest possible … Continue reading
Posted in Republican Presidential Candidates
Tagged Chris Wallace, Fox News Sunday, gay marriage, Kirsten Powers, Mara Liasson, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Senator Tom Coburn
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Michele Bachmann has not stumbled
I just finished reading a truly ignorant posting on TownHall.com by Victor Davis Hanson, about how we Republicans should “take our castor oil” and nominate Mitt Romney. Not only has his type of thinking led the Republican party to defeat time after … Continue reading
Charge ahead to defeat with Mitt Romney. Let’s do it again with another moderate.
I just read a truly ignorant column by Victor Davis Hanson posted on TownHall.com about Mitt Romney as the castor oil candidate. We don’t like how he tastes, but he is good medicine for us. Now I’ve been around long … Continue reading
Why Congress will not actually cut spending
Too many people do not actually understand the political strategy of the Democrats, so let me explain it. They are using the power of the government to entrench themselves, and it is happening on several levels. Senator Jim DeMint was … Continue reading
Posted in National Debt, Republican Presidential Candidates
Tagged Herman Cain, Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum
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