Tag Archives: global warming hoax

James Lovelock calls global warming “a religion”

The website www.ecolo.org says in the description tag of its biography page about James Lovelock, “James Lovelock is the founding historical and cultural leader of environmentalism for environmentalists around the world.” He had a rapt audience when, in 2006, he … Continue reading

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Michele Bachmann correct in her jab at Newt

In Saturday night’s debate, Michele Bachmann accused Newt Gingrich of having once supported a cap-and-trade program to address “global warming” concerns. Newt then accused her of not getting her facts straight again. But she was correct, and I don’t believe … Continue reading

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Global warming – we’re being ruled by people with their heads in la-la-land

The scene was a hearing at the US Senate Subcommittee on Energy and Power. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was the witness. They were talking about global warming. Sen. Inhofe was asking the questions. Sen. Inhofe is known for his references … Continue reading

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