Monthly Archives: December 2012

It’s open season on Wayne LaPierre and the NRA

I have little doubt that many members of the anti-gun movement would like to ban all guns except those that would be used against conservatives who stand up for our liberties. In particular, they have their sights now set on … Continue reading

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Left going bonkers over the second amendment debate

When Wayne LaPierre made his proposal to have armed security in our schools I thought it sounded like a very sensible proposal, and one the Left would obviously fight. But I underestimated the sheer paranoia that ensued from them. The … Continue reading

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Exposing the Idaho Statesman

A couple of days ago I accused the Idaho Statesman of being complicit in Senator Mike Crapo’s corruption in a post about the Idaho Stateman’s ridiculous defense of Senator Crapo. We learned that Senator Crapo has been falsely posing as … Continue reading

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A ridiculous defense of Senator Crapo in the Idaho Statesman

I just came across Tuesday’s editorial in the Idaho Statesman. The Statesman is Idaho’s most popular newspaper. Now I have some idea how Idaho comes to send us the senators they do, with newspapers like this helping to shape public … Continue reading

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Senator Crapo’s DUI and reflections on Mormons in politics

I see that Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo was picked up early Sunday morning for drunken driving. Yes, Mike Crapo the Mormon high priest, former bishop, former eagle scout, etc. As an active Mormon, I took a lot of flak both … Continue reading

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Was Mark Levin partly responsible for John Boehner’s glorious defeat?

Well, to Boehner, his defeat is embarrassing. But to me it is glorious. Last night, in the second hour of his radio, Mark Levin called for a “Levin surge.” He gave out the phone number for the congressional switchboard and … Continue reading

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Speaker Suicide: More Taxes, More Debt

Drudge only had this headline up for half an hour this morning. It said: “Speaker Suicide: More Taxes, More Debt.” When I read it I thought, “We can only hope.” I see two possible positive outcome over the fiscal cliff … Continue reading

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Tim Huelskamp for Speaker!

Oh, the treachery of John Boehner. I just got an e-mail from Congressman Tim Huelskamp. He is one of the three that John Boehner booted off of key committees because of their public disagreement with the leadership. I have heard … Continue reading

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Jeffrey Hillman – the man who would rather be homeless.

There’s a lot of buzz on the Internet about Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man in Manhattan who was given a pair of boots by NYC policeman Lawrence DePrimo. The latest today is an article in today’s New York Daily News, … Continue reading

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You call THIS a fiscal cliff? You haven’t seen anything yet!

I think Howard Dean spilled the beans for the Democrats when he explained why he is not afraid of the fiscal cliff. He said, “The truth is, everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich.” Which means, if … Continue reading

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Republicans, don’t trust John Boehner

Today my two favorite radio talk show hosts, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh, were both going after John Boehner. They see through his positioning, and warned against his recent consolidation of power through his purge of tea-party-oriented members of his … Continue reading

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The Democrats Brer Rabbit negotiating strategy on the fiscal cliff

As a Republican, John Boehner scares me when he gets into negotiations with the Democrats. They run circles around him. He acts tough early on in the process, and then he caves and strikes the most horrendous deals. Chris Wallace … Continue reading

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