Tag Archives: LDS and not for Romney

Romney paved the way for Obamacare

During the 2012 presidential election campaign, I caught grief from Mormon friends and some family members for not supporting Mitt Romney. I made several posts on this blog about being LDS and not for Romney. There was a feeling among … Continue reading

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Romney did the right thing

This past week, both LDS Living and Meridian Magazine, the two leading online LDS magazines, gave prominence to a New York Times article where Romney, somewhat defensively, explained his wanted to run for President again as an outgrowth of his … Continue reading

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It’s time to give it up, Mitt

Mitt, you’re pushing this trying to become President too far, and you are now hurting your image and that of the Church. As a Mormon, I was initially excited as Mitt Romney entered the political arena. My enthusiasm, however, has … Continue reading

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The mask coming off for Mitt Romney

I’m a big supporter of the Senate Conservatives fund. I give them money and I’m on their mailing list. I just got an e-mail from them announcing their first endorsement for the 2016 elections: Mike Lee for Senate in Utah. … Continue reading

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Senator Crapo’s DUI and reflections on Mormons in politics

I see that Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo was picked up early Sunday morning for drunken driving. Yes, Mike Crapo the Mormon high priest, former bishop, former eagle scout, etc. As an active Mormon, I took a lot of flak both … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum – a tough target

As a Santorum supporter, I’m delighted to see the attacks being mounted against him lately. And they’re coming principally from three quarters – Liberals, who are scared of his conservatism, establishment Republicans, who are also scared of, or maybe I … Continue reading

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Is Mitt Romney honest? An LDS perspective.

I just discovered that my blog posting from last Friday, titled, The Mormon Case Against Romney, was picked up and published in its entirety by The Free Republic blog. And was commented on in a lively discussion, with comments such … Continue reading

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The Mormon case against Romney

I’m LDS, and I fully realize that the Mormon vote is going for Romney. He’s going to take Utah. And Arizona. Pardon me for not joining. I know the thinking. When that LDS tag is attached, members of the Church … Continue reading

Posted in Republican Presidential Candidates | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

A surprising showing by Michele Bachmann in our Tea Party straw poll

I left watching the Republican debate on Fox to be able to catch part of our Mountain View Tea Party meeting and its straw poll. I was a little surprised at the results of the poll. Mitt Romney drew 41% of … Continue reading

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How Could a Mormon Not Be for Romney?

Last week, after Mitt Romney was the subject of Fox News’s “12 in 2012” rundown of potential Republican candidates for President, I wrote a post “A Mormon not for Romney for President.” I realized that most Latter-day Saints would take … Continue reading

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A Mormon not for Romney for President

Monday evening, Special Report’s 12 in 2012 series featured Mitt Romney, and his likely 2012 run for President. I was for Romney in 2008 and supported him in the Republican caucuses in Colorado. But not this year. To me, he crashed … Continue reading

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