Tag Archives: moderate

Mormons and Moderates – and the defeat of Russell Pearce

I was sad to see the defeat of Russell Pearce in his bid to get back into the Arizona State Senate, losing his primary election to Republican businessman Bob Worsley, 56% to 44%. Some very good people voted against him. … Continue reading

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Political wimpiness among Mormons

There is an article in the online LDS magazine, Meridian Magazine titled “Who Is My Enemy?” Written by Family Life Professor Dr. Wallace Goddard, it represents a body of political thought in the LDS Church that tends toward moderation. The … Continue reading

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The Mormon case against Romney

I’m LDS, and I fully realize that the Mormon vote is going for Romney. He’s going to take Utah. And Arizona. Pardon me for not joining. I know the thinking. When that LDS tag is attached, members of the Church … Continue reading

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