Tag Archives: Russell Pearce

Progress of the Liberty Amendments in Arizona

Back in November I wrote a post about Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. In it, he proposes that the states call a convention for the purpose of amending the US Constitution. This is a provision that was placed … Continue reading

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Statement from Russell Pearce

Here is the text of a statement made by Russell Pearce by e-mail to supporters that I just found in my e-mail earlier today. It shows the real class of the man: I’m a few days late sending you this … Continue reading

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Mormons and Moderates – and the defeat of Russell Pearce

I was sad to see the defeat of Russell Pearce in his bid to get back into the Arizona State Senate, losing his primary election to Republican businessman Bob Worsley, 56% to 44%. Some very good people voted against him. … Continue reading

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Tea Party candidates for Precinct committee people in Mesa’s Arboleda Precinct

When I arrived at my polling place in the Arboleda Precinct in Mesa this morning, Russell Pearce was there greeting people. I shook his hand, told him he had my vote, and he handed me a card with a list … Continue reading

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Barb Parker’s email about Bob Worsley and Russell Pearce

I got this email from Barb Parker last night. It sounds like she’s the originator of it, though it doesn’t say that clearly. But she asked that it be passed around as much as possible, and I agree with it, … Continue reading

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Russell Pearce to be on the ballot in 2012

I was at the Mountain View Tea Party meeting tonight. Tom Jenney, Arizona Director of Americans for Prosperity was the speaker, with a very enlightening presentation. But the most interesting part of the meeting came when he finished. Russell Pearce … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon or Kirk Adams for Congress?

I got a letter yesterday from former State Senator Russell Pearce asking me to donate to the Matt Salmon campaign. Matt Salmon is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress from Arizona’s sixth district, a seat currently held by Jeff … Continue reading

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Will the real “plant” in the Russell Pearce recall election please stand up?

KTAR radio yesterday covered an interview of candidate Jerry Lewis, one of the candidates in the LD 18 recall election. He was stating that he felt that Olivia Cortes was a “plant” in the election, and her candidacy was designed … Continue reading

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Senator Russell Pearce defends his record, confronts his opponents.

Two days ago, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the recall election for Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce can proceed. So there was a lot of interest as Senator Pearce spoke tonight at the Mountain View Tea Party in Mesa, which … Continue reading

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State Senator Russell Pearce will address his recall Sept. 15

Next Thursday evening, September 15, Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce will be speaking at the Mountain View Tea Party. Also on the program will be Chad Willem, Chairman, Patriots for Pearce, who will give us updated details about the campaign … Continue reading

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State Senator Russell Pearce on Proposition 203 – Medical Marijuana

Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce was the guest speaker at the Mountain View Tea Party tonight. He is clearly a very bright man who demonstrated thorough mastery of the issues facing Arizona. I was most intrigued by his comments on Ballot … Continue reading

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