Category Archives: Mormons and Politics

This just wasn’t right, Brother Flake

The biggest problem I had with Senator Jeff Flake’s diatribe against President Trump on the Senate floor last Wednesday was the poor example he is setting for Latter-day Saints. This just isn’t how we are taught to treat our President. … Continue reading

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Senator Crapo’s DUI and reflections on Mormons in politics

I see that Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo was picked up early Sunday morning for drunken driving. Yes, Mike Crapo the Mormon high priest, former bishop, former eagle scout, etc. As an active Mormon, I took a lot of flak both … Continue reading

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Mormons and Moderates – and the defeat of Russell Pearce

I was sad to see the defeat of Russell Pearce in his bid to get back into the Arizona State Senate, losing his primary election to Republican businessman Bob Worsley, 56% to 44%. Some very good people voted against him. … Continue reading

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Needing a little “fire” from Romney – be like Captain Moroni!

The conservative panelists on last night’s Fox News Special Report were shaking their heads about Romney not being able to seize the advantage of a pathetic economy and an unpopular direction of the country. Even while the economy is lagging, … Continue reading

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Political wimpiness among Mormons

There is an article in the online LDS magazine, Meridian Magazine titled “Who Is My Enemy?” Written by Family Life Professor Dr. Wallace Goddard, it represents a body of political thought in the LDS Church that tends toward moderation. The … Continue reading

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How Could a Mormon Not Be for Romney?

Last week, after Mitt Romney was the subject of Fox News’s “12 in 2012” rundown of potential Republican candidates for President, I wrote a post “A Mormon not for Romney for President.” I realized that most Latter-day Saints would take … Continue reading

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A Mormon not for Romney for President

Monday evening, Special Report’s 12 in 2012 series featured Mitt Romney, and his likely 2012 run for President. I was for Romney in 2008 and supported him in the Republican caucuses in Colorado. But not this year. To me, he crashed … Continue reading

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A History of the TSA – How We Got into This Mess

I’m amused by those on the Left who want to blame this TSA groping scandal on Bush. Ah, yes, you know it’s all Bush’s fault. 😉 How about a little history lesson. Shortly after 9/11, Congress addressed the issue of airport … Continue reading

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Why Most Mormons Are Republicans

I was looking at an article posted on, a blog titled Jews and Mormons by Mark Paredes, titled “Why Most Mormons Are Republicans.” He attributes it to Mormons’ belief in self-reliance rather than turning to the government, and to … Continue reading

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