Tag Archives: Steve Hayes

Republican response to Obama – just whine

It is truly tragic and at the same time laughable the Republican response to Obama. I was listening to last night’s All Star Panel on Special Report where Steve Hayes and Charles Krauthammer were floating various things Congress could do … Continue reading

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Agreeing with the ACLU

I heard noted conservatives Charles Krauthammer and Steve Hayes endorsing the targeted drone killings of the Obama administration. I have to disagree, and I’ll explain why. As a staunch conservative and foreign policy hawk, I must admit a slight amount … Continue reading

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I told you so on the jobs numbers

On October 5, on the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel, just after the unbelievable 7.8% number had come out for the unemployment rate, Steve Hayes predicted trouble down the road for the administration when the correction came out … Continue reading

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Funny numbers on unemployment, Jack Welch, and being polite

America needs more people with the guts of Jack Welch, who tweeted after Friday’s unemployment report, “Unbelievable jobs numbers…these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.” And it does take guts. He’s taking on the Chicago guys, and … Continue reading

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Needing a little “fire” from Romney – be like Captain Moroni!

The conservative panelists on last night’s Fox News Special Report were shaking their heads about Romney not being able to seize the advantage of a pathetic economy and an unpopular direction of the country. Even while the economy is lagging, … Continue reading

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Where is the outrage over legislating from the Oval Office?

It’s scary, the lawlessness that the Obama regime seems to get away with. I hear a lot of commenting about Obama’s recent decision to grant work permits to the children of illegal immigrants. But the protests against this brazen abuse … Continue reading

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The impact of the Obama’s jobs speech, and his reality disconnect.

Last night, on Special Report, host Bret Baier asked his panelists to take a stab at what the headlines would be Friday morning, as far as Obama’s jobs speech was concerned. Here are their answers. Steve Hayes: “Well, if it’s the New … Continue reading

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Republicans, shut the government down, and be proud of it!

So Harry Reid is trying to jam this behemoth omnibus spending bill through the lame duck session. Om’gosh, I just caught myself typing omnibus spending bull. Is that a Freudian slip or what! It makes me sick to my stomach … Continue reading

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NPR Isn’t Just Biased – It’s Corrupt

It’s been a gradual process, the deterioration of NPR as an ethical news source. I began listening to NPR in the mornings to get my news when I got fed up with ABC Radio News’ obsession with OJ Simpson in 1994. … Continue reading

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