Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan

You call THIS a fiscal cliff? You haven’t seen anything yet!

I think Howard Dean spilled the beans for the Democrats when he explained why he is not afraid of the fiscal cliff. He said, “The truth is, everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich.” Which means, if … Continue reading

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Does Michele Bachmann have enough experience to be President?

I was discussing presidential candidates with someone this past week. I said my favorite candidate was Michele Bachmann. He said he didn’t think she had enough experience to be President. Really! What does experience have to do with being a … Continue reading

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Selling Marxism with dissembling

President Obama made his defense of class warfare in his question-and-answer session with students at Northern Virginia Community College today. Have you noticed that when politicians play the class warfare card, that they have a particular choice of euphemisms they … Continue reading

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