Tag Archives: Paul Ryan

Get over it – Trump is the nominee

Let me start by saying I am no fan of Donald Trump. At one point, right after the Indiana primary when Cruz withdrew, I was leaning toward not voting for him and hoping there would be a third party candidate … Continue reading

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Get rid of John Boehner

As I have watched John Boehner in action since he became speaker a little over two years ago now, at first I thought of him as a wimp. But that doesn’t begin to explain all his behaviors. He’s a man … Continue reading

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The disgusting, pro-amnesty Republican leadership in Congress

I believe there are many Republicans who, like me, are disgusted with what the Republican leadership is trying to do with immigration reform. A recent poll by John McLaughlin exposed how much we’ve been lied to by Republicans on this … Continue reading

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Taking applications for Republican Majority Leader, Speaker of the House

Upon personally meeting a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives and having an opportunity to ask some questions, one of the first I wanted to ask was how he felt about John Boehner as Speaker. I was delighted to … Continue reading

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A Gutsy Move by Standard & Poors

That was a gutsy move by Standard & Poors to downgrade the credit rating of the United States. The King does not like bad news. This makes Standard & Poors a target of the administration, as statements over the weekend … Continue reading

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Selling Marxism with dissembling

President Obama made his defense of class warfare in his question-and-answer session with students at Northern Virginia Community College today. Have you noticed that when politicians play the class warfare card, that they have a particular choice of euphemisms they … Continue reading

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