Tag Archives: global warming religion

Pivoting to climate change, global warming alarmists lose their scientific foundation

The more time goes by, the more it becomes apparent that radical environmentalism is a religion that is losing touch with reality. Realizing that the earth has not been warming, really, since the beginning of the century, global warming alarmists … Continue reading

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Global warming – coming to grips with reality

Watching the Left wrestle with recent climate news has reinforced my belief that deep down inside they truly do fear the whole thing may be a hoax. Here are two recent pieces of evidence: 1. The Antarctic global warming expedition … Continue reading

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The war on coal – this is not your mother’s representative republic

At a time when the number of people who believe in global warming is declining because the globe isn’t, well, warming any more, the country is having the global warming religion shoved down our throats by Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency … Continue reading

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James Lovelock calls global warming “a religion”

The website www.ecolo.org says in the description tag of its biography page about James Lovelock, “James Lovelock is the founding historical and cultural leader of environmentalism for environmentalists around the world.” He had a rapt audience when, in 2006, he … Continue reading

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