Tag Archives: Rand Paul

John Boehner – losing all credibility

This is where we see real anger coming from John Boehner – not when President Obama is trampling over the Constitution, not when Harry Reid is steamrolling over the will of the American people, not when the country is hurtling … Continue reading

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NSA data collection – The great disconnect between the ruling class and the people

I wrote in an earlier post, titled Snowden a Patriot?, that this issue graphically illustrates the divide between the ruling class, including so-called conservative commentators who operate inside the Beltway, with the people. This was dramatically highlighted by a poll … Continue reading

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Standing up to Obama really works

It was a good week for conservatives. After holding firm on the sequester, we had Rand Paul’s gutsy filibuster defending the bill of rights. We conservatives have been looking for something to cheer for a long time. By blocking any … Continue reading

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