Tag Archives: Karl Rove

Karl Rove’s coverup

Eli Lake, intrepid reporter for the Daily Beast, broke this story on Thursday. It was Karl Rove who was at the center of what could be called a coverup of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Here … Continue reading

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The war for Obama to save face

Obama is at it again. McCain is at it again. The Republican establishment is at it again. All jumping on this bandwagon about Syria and all so out of touch with the people. “The consequences of the Congress of the … Continue reading

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Snowden a Patriot?

I just saw, on the Fox News Radio website, the results of a poll taken by Reuters that shows that more Americans see the security leaker Edward Snowden as a patriot than a traitor. And I must say that, while … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Power | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is Romney a match for Obama? My view of the outsourcing debate.

Barack Obama seems to be having a great time hurling verbal Molotov cocktails at Mitt Romney, and I am hoping – oh I am hoping – that Romney will respond correctly. I am so frustrated with some of the timid … Continue reading

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