Tag Archives: John Boehner

A gradual, quiet coup

That’s how Mark Levin described President Obama’s approach to the presidency, underscored by Obama’s comments today in his first official cabinet meeting of the year. As quoted by The Daily Caller, he said: “One of the things I’ll be emphasizing … Continue reading

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This is the scary thing about what Obama is doing

I continue to contend that the dangerous thing about Obama’s presidency is not that he is grabbing power like a tyrant and abusing it so, but that the country is letting him get away with it. I just had brought … Continue reading

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Why do people continue to have faith in government?

When the government screws up so terribly, all the time, and lies about it, why do so many people continue to want to give it more power? I was just logging on to my online credit card account when I … Continue reading

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John Boehner – losing all credibility

This is where we see real anger coming from John Boehner – not when President Obama is trampling over the Constitution, not when Harry Reid is steamrolling over the will of the American people, not when the country is hurtling … Continue reading

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There’s a book that came out about three weeks ago that is a very important book, but that probably won’t get the attention it deserves. It is titled, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own … Continue reading

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Can John Boehner control his caucus?

Charles Krauthammer said it again in last night’s Special Report All-Star Panel, about John Boehner: “He cannot control his caucus.” They’ve discussed this several times. I’d call it a Freudian slip, but it wasn’t a slip. I don’t think these … Continue reading

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The debt ceiling negotiations – a mine field for Republicans

I have several blog posts urging John Boehner to stand firm on the budget and leave the government shut down indefinitely, if he has to. But the debt ceiling is a different matter. Here Republicans could be playing with fire. … Continue reading

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Republicans are winning the shutdown battle – here’s how I can tell

Yes, it’s clear that Republicans are winning this battle over the budget, in the metrics that really matter. But will they win in the end? That depends on their strength of will. If you measure winning and losing by how … Continue reading

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Media conservatives simply don’t get it on Obamacare defunding

Friday was a low point in what Fox News calls its “All Star Panel” on Special Report, as they discussed the House vote on funding all of the government except Obamacare. The Inside the Beltway crowd simply doesn’t have any … Continue reading

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Republicans: Don’t be intimidated by Obama’s red line on Obamacare

Congressional Republicans could learn a lesson from Bashar Al-Assad – You can stand up to Obama. I get tired of listening to all these media conservatives who remember the great budget battle of 1995 as a defeat for Republicans. It’s … Continue reading

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Boehner continues to obstruct Benghazi investigation, and others condone his pretense

I was not a little stunned tonight when the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel talked about the Benghazi investigation by House Republicans. Bret Baier, first read a statement from John Boehner, with all of the Speaker’s characteristic bluster, … Continue reading

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Why is John Boehner saying “yes” to this Syria nonsense.

I just finished a piece about Syria from the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, “Why America Is Saying ‘No’.” She sums it up pretty well: “Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.” But it brings … Continue reading

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