Tag Archives: Ben Carson

I’d like Scott Walker to get back in the race

I’m despairing over presidential election politics. The only viable candidate left in the race who has integrity, Ted Cruz, is getting smeared so awfully that it appears to be killing his chances. Some of it is his own fault. Back … Continue reading

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The conservative pundits are going with Trump – but we could do so much better

I listen faithfully to Mark Levin’s radio show each night, at least enough of it each night to pick up all his themes. And while I have great admiration for his insight, his integrity, and his courage, I part ways … Continue reading

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Even Fox doesn’t have the Ben Carson story right yet

This whole Politico hit piece on Ben Carson, claiming that he fabricated parts of the story about an offer of a West Point scholarship, is a great illustration of the corruption of the media in this country. After publishing a … Continue reading

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Carly Fiorina’s cheap shot against Ben Carson

It was another one of those events that separate those who worship at the politically correct altar and those who think and actually try to be correct. It was a week ago on Meet the Press—Ben Carson states that he … Continue reading

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Here’s how to stop Trump

I have been feeling that this was the case, so it was interesting to see a Monmouth University poll released yesterday that confirmed my instincts about how to keep Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee for President, and it … Continue reading

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The Enders Game author and bigotry

Today, the movie Enders Game is released in theaters across the country. My wife and I will be going. It looks like a great movie. But there is controversy about it bubbling under the surface. You may notice in the … Continue reading

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