Tag Archives: christian

Is Jimmy Carter lying about Islam or just ignorant?

Rush Limbaugh today commented on this amazing interview that Jimmy Carter had with Marc Lamont Hill of the Huffington Post. What is amazing is its apparent total misunderstanding of Islam. How to correct all of this? I keep thinking: So … Continue reading

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Why Michelle does not accompany her husband (not a joke)

I had an e-mail forwarded to me from my sister-in-law with this subject line. Here is some of what the e-mail said in the first paragraph: “If you check President Obama’s last trip overseas, his wife left just after their … Continue reading

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The big “Obama is Muslim” gaffe

Mark Levin opened his radio show tonight with the big flap over the mix-up over Obama’s religion. “There’s a big flap out there, ladies and gentlemen. Somebody accidentally accused Barack Milhous Obama of being Muslim. But it was an accident, … Continue reading

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Uncertainty over Obama’s religion is based on reality.

I think some of the pundits are missing one of the points in this confusion over Obama’s religion. Here is a sentence in the Washington Post article by Hillel Italie, titled: “Obama a Muslim? Rumors gain steam, defying facts:” “Nearly one … Continue reading

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