Category Archives: Free Speech

The shameless exploiting of the Gabrielle Giffords tragedy

It didn’t take long for the Left to try to take advantage of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting to try to twist it into an excuse to take away more of our liberties. It’s absolutely despicable. Conservatives, don’t let them get … Continue reading

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The Intolerance of the Left Illustrated by NPR

Conservatives live in frustration trying to deal with the dissembling of the Left. And one of those aggravating pretenses with which they deceive so many people is that they are tolerant and broad-minded.  Often it seems that they deceive even … Continue reading

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No, No, Charles Krauthammer, this is fundamental.

A few days ago I listened to a discussion on Fox’s Special Report about new rules the Obama administration is seeking to facilitate government surveillance of electronic communications. In this discussion, I was surprised by Charles Krauthammer’s comments. He said … Continue reading

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Zero tolerance for dissent

One of the scariest of many scary things to come out of the Obama administration is the recent threat of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to shut insurance companies out from the health insurance exchanges if they … Continue reading

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Attacks on Liberty Getting More Blatant with DISCLOSE Act

Oh, the DISCLOSE Act, they make it sound so noble. In President Obama’s remarks calling for passing of the DISCLOSE Act, he said, “At a time of such challenge for America, we can’t afford these political games. Millions of Americans … Continue reading

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