Monthly Archives: February 2013

Agreeing with the ACLU

I heard noted conservatives Charles Krauthammer and Steve Hayes endorsing the targeted drone killings of the Obama administration. I have to disagree, and I’ll explain why. As a staunch conservative and foreign policy hawk, I must admit a slight amount … Continue reading

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A comment on Jeff Murdock’s article in Meridian Magazine

In general, I like Meridian Magazine and have been an online subscriber for years, occasionally giving them a donation and have even been a contributing author. But occasionally they also get off track, and last Friday was one of those … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagle – The perfect choice for Secretary of Defense

It’s interesting to see the punditry surrounding Chuck Hagel’s performance in his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense. Yesterday, on Fox News Sunday, Laura Ingraham criticized his performance, saying that it may have been the worst ever by a cabinet … Continue reading

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