Category Archives: Foreign Policy

Iran won’t even thank us for the Nukes

The tough thing about this Iran deal that Obama and Kerry have negotiated is that Iran won’t even thank the United States for helping it get nuclear weapons. But let’s put that aside and look at how they got this … Continue reading

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Be careful, Democrats, your anti-Semitism is showing

One of the skills needed for a successful political career, if you’re a liberal, is dissimulation. In most election districts, you have to appear more moderate than you are. And, in regards to Israel, you have to appear to favor … Continue reading

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Understanding Obama’s foreign policy

I hear pundits all over trying varying explanations for Obama’s failure to act and the confusion he is communicating in dealing with America’s enemies abroad. But this is not really that complicated to figure out. Uncomfortable, yes, but complicated, no. … Continue reading

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Obama could stop this war in Gaza if he wanted

The other day, when I heard the clip from Obama saying, “We have serious concerns about the rising number of Palestinian civilian deaths,” I thought, “If that is true, you would stop them. You have the power to stop them.” … Continue reading

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Charlie Rose: a developing idea that the president’s not so good at foreign policy

Rush Limbaugh today commented on Charlie Rose saying, on his PBS show last night, the following: “Two questions about this I’m fascinated by in terms of whether there’s a developing idea that the president’s not so good at foreign policy, … Continue reading

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Why is John Boehner saying “yes” to this Syria nonsense.

I just finished a piece about Syria from the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, “Why America Is Saying ‘No’.” She sums it up pretty well: “Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.” But it brings … Continue reading

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Utter nonsense from “conservatives” on supporting Obama

I just read a piece from The Weekly Standard where Bill Kristol is quoting James Ceaser, whom he dubs “one of American conservatism’s leading thinkers.” He’s lecturing us on the importance of supporting the president. The reasoning, to me, is … Continue reading

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The war for Obama to save face

Obama is at it again. McCain is at it again. The Republican establishment is at it again. All jumping on this bandwagon about Syria and all so out of touch with the people. “The consequences of the Congress of the … Continue reading

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Democracy is overrated – witness Egypt

This ranks with one of the stupidest things I have seen John McCain do – condemning the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood–led government in Egypt and calling for cutting off aid to the military in that country. The Egyptian military … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagle – The perfect choice for Secretary of Defense

It’s interesting to see the punditry surrounding Chuck Hagel’s performance in his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense. Yesterday, on Fox News Sunday, Laura Ingraham criticized his performance, saying that it may have been the worst ever by a cabinet … Continue reading

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The triumph of peace and happiness in Egypt – It’s not to be

The thing is, what is happening in Egypt was entirely predictable. The people I trust to give me reliable interpretations of what is going on in the world told us months ago that we were not seeing the birth of … Continue reading

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Tolerance for Obama’s brazen lying

When Candy Crowley lied herself to defend Obama’s lie (see my earlier post on the Candy Crowley scandal), it was answering a question about Libya from undecided voter Kerry Ladka. A part of the story that hasn’t gotten much attention … Continue reading

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