Tag Archives: ruling class Republican

Why is John Boehner saying “yes” to this Syria nonsense.

I just finished a piece about Syria from the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, “Why America Is Saying ‘No’.” She sums it up pretty well: “Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.” But it brings … Continue reading

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Get rid of John Boehner

As I have watched John Boehner in action since he became speaker a little over two years ago now, at first I thought of him as a wimp. But that doesn’t begin to explain all his behaviors. He’s a man … Continue reading

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NSA data collection – The great disconnect between the ruling class and the people

I wrote in an earlier post, titled Snowden a Patriot?, that this issue graphically illustrates the divide between the ruling class, including so-called conservative commentators who operate inside the Beltway, with the people. This was dramatically highlighted by a poll … Continue reading

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Senator Crapo’s DUI and reflections on Mormons in politics

I see that Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo was picked up early Sunday morning for drunken driving. Yes, Mike Crapo the Mormon high priest, former bishop, former eagle scout, etc. As an active Mormon, I took a lot of flak both … Continue reading

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