Category Archives: Executive abuse

Republican response to Obama – just whine

It is truly tragic and at the same time laughable the Republican response to Obama. I was listening to last night’s All Star Panel on Special Report where Steve Hayes and Charles Krauthammer were floating various things Congress could do … Continue reading

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The emperor and his enablers

I, like many Americans, was sickened by Obama’s address last night. It was his brazen lawlessness. It was the transparent contradiction in his reasoning: saying on the one hand that he is exercising legitimate executive discretion in acting as presidents … Continue reading

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A really bad case of impeach-o-phobia, and this ridiculous lawsuit

It was really curious to see Brit Hume worked up into a lather about impeachment on last night’s Special Report on Fox. The usually mild-mannered Brit had some uncharacteristically harsh words for those who would like to impeach Pres. Obama: … Continue reading

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A gradual, quiet coup

That’s how Mark Levin described President Obama’s approach to the presidency, underscored by Obama’s comments today in his first official cabinet meeting of the year. As quoted by The Daily Caller, he said: “One of the things I’ll be emphasizing … Continue reading

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This is the scary thing about what Obama is doing

I continue to contend that the dangerous thing about Obama’s presidency is not that he is grabbing power like a tyrant and abusing it so, but that the country is letting him get away with it. I just had brought … Continue reading

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Dare we say “Impeach the President?”

The news hit today that the word “impeachment” was uttered in a Congressional hearing room. Gasp! Georgetown law professor Nicholas Rosenkranz was being questioned about Pres. Obama usurping lawmaking powers. What can be done about it? he was asked. The … Continue reading

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The war on coal – this is not your mother’s representative republic

At a time when the number of people who believe in global warming is declining because the globe isn’t, well, warming any more, the country is having the global warming religion shoved down our throats by Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency … Continue reading

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Obama’s Freudian slip on the IRS scandal

President Obama’s answer when asked about the IRS scandal is most interesting. Fox News reported that he said: “If, in fact, IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that had been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, … Continue reading

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Obama having great fun seeing what he can get away with

A question that comes to mind after Obama’s latest power grab, rewriting the welfare reform legislation, is, “How far can he go with these power grabs?” And I’m visualizing him having a great time with these. Power is intoxicating and … Continue reading

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