Category Archives: Economy

I told you so on the jobs numbers

On October 5, on the Fox News Special Report All Star Panel, just after the unbelievable 7.8% number had come out for the unemployment rate, Steve Hayes predicted trouble down the road for the administration when the correction came out … Continue reading

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Rush Limbaugh’s unemployment numbers prediction from last December

Rush Limbaugh opened Friday’s program talking about the great unemployment number achievement of Obama: “There you have it folks, the economy’s back, the stimulus worked, the jobs council’s programs all worked, Obamacare worked. Look at all the jobs! 114,000 new … Continue reading

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Funny numbers on unemployment, Jack Welch, and being polite

America needs more people with the guts of Jack Welch, who tweeted after Friday’s unemployment report, “Unbelievable jobs numbers…these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.” And it does take guts. He’s taking on the Chicago guys, and … Continue reading

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How to get good jobs numbers when you really need them

We’re told that a big factor in the unbelievable improvement in last month’s unemployment rate is the results obtained in a spot survey of households that revealed dramatic increases in part-time and work-from-home jobs. So I’m visualizing how this survey … Continue reading

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No, Obama – this is a step in the WRONG direction. Look at the numbers!

I’m tired of the Obama distortions and I’m tired of the tepid responses from Republicans. In Poland, Ohio, on Friday, it was a classic Obama speech trying to pull more fast ones on us. Obama said, “We learned this morning … Continue reading

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The impact of the Obama’s jobs speech, and his reality disconnect.

Last night, on Special Report, host Bret Baier asked his panelists to take a stab at what the headlines would be Friday morning, as far as Obama’s jobs speech was concerned. Here are their answers. Steve Hayes: “Well, if it’s the New … Continue reading

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More funny numbers in February jobs report

I just don’t believe what’s coming out of the Obama administration any more. We need third-party corroboration on everything. This past week the administration released its February jobs report. At least the New York Times admitted that the February jobs … Continue reading

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Funny numbers on unemployment

We got the report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that unemployment fell in January to 9.0% while the economy added 36,000 jobs. There are two key problems with these numbers. First of all, we have deep suspicions about the … Continue reading

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Quit trying to fool us with these job numbers.

Friday, President Obama commented on the most recently released job numbers. He said, “The economy added more than 100,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell sharply. Now we know these numbers can bounce around from month to month. … Continue reading

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The Moocher Class, the Producer Class, and Ayn Rand’s Predictions

Ayn Rand was born in Russia and came to the United States in 1925. Impressed with America, she found a way to stay. In the 1940s, seeing in New Deal liberalism the same philosophy of state control of everything that … Continue reading

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Three Myths of the Great Depression

Monday night on his radio show, Mark Levin referenced an article from the Foundation for Economic Education, Three Myths of the Great Depression. I commend it to you. Like many others, I was taught in High School that Roosevelt’s New … Continue reading

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Fighting dissembling.

I have extensive experience in combatting evil in a couple of different contexts—in a legal venue, and in organization politics. A key element in my strategy in both contexts was to uncover the true motivations of the evil-doers. Evil always … Continue reading

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