Category Archives: Free Speech

Net neutrality dissent censored by the establishment media

What is the most amazing to me about this latest power grab by the bureaucracy is how successfully the establishment media has muted the voices of dissent. The dissent has been vigorous and compelling, but unpublicized. I first noticed this … Continue reading

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The right to not be offended

I must say that I found this news report very confusing. It appeared Thursday from CBS News in Los Angeles. It seems like a family in Ontario, California was flying a Mexican flag, and this offended Tressy Capps. She told … Continue reading

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The IRS and the developing police state

It’s frustrating for those of us who can see the unfolding of a police state here in America because so few other people see it. Now yesterday we had these new rules being announced by the IRS to help squelch … Continue reading

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Being a Rodeo Clown in today’s developing police state

The Left is on the march, and we conservatives know how they feel about free speech, even though they don’t admit it. So the time-honored tradition of dressing up rodeo clowns as presidents, going back at least to Richard Nixon … Continue reading

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Dr. Benjamin Carson reveals intolerance of Left

I listened to Dr. Benjamin Carson’s interview on the Mark Levin show Monday night. I love honesty and that’s why I loved this interview. I love it when the hypocrites, the phonies, the pretenders, are exposed. And there was a … Continue reading

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Obama’s suit against Standard & Poors is an assault on the first amendment

The connection just occurred to me as we are discussing whether or not the Obama administration is practicing press intimidation. It was the headline story on the front page of the February 5, 2013 Wall Street Journal: “U.S. to Sue … Continue reading

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Obama’s campaign against the First Amendment

As I assess this dust-up about Bob Woodward being “threatened” by the White House, part of me wants to break out laughing and part of me wants to dress in black to commemorate the sorry state of the American news … Continue reading

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Juan Williams winks at the corruption

Can there be any doubt that Obama’s proposed executive order, “Disclosure of Political Spending by Government Contractors” is simply a fund-raising tool? Of course not. And thus, the discussion of the issue gives us an insight into the souls of those … Continue reading

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Atlas Shrugged, Part I – the movie

I heard about it from the Mark Levin Show last week, when Sean Hannity appeared and said he had seen the movie and it was terrific. John Aglialoro bought the movie rights to Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand’s estate in … Continue reading

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The Supreme Court didn’t answer the key question about funeral protests

Wednesday, the Supreme Court announced its 8-1 decision upholding the rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to stage protests at military funerals. I have heard lots of commentary on this decision, but people are glossing over what we learned last … Continue reading

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Liberal Tolerance Turned Off and then Turned On

I caught a short segment of Sean Hannity’s radio show today. He had on Tina Wells, a blogger for The Huffington Post, and Tony Perkins. They were discussing the new MTV show, Skins, and whether or not it was good … Continue reading

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Tucson Memorial T-Shirts – Tackiness on Parade

I thought this was a memorial to honor the dead and the wounded. So how do we get from that to t-shirts, distributed at the event, that say “Together We Thrive?” And what does that slogan have to do with the … Continue reading

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