Monthly Archives: October 2013

Obama’s lying isn’t as troubling as the people who prop him up

It is clear that Obamacare was designed to supplant private health insurance with government exchanges, Medicaid-like government paid health care, and government approved insurance. But Obama couldn’t say that and get the law passed – he had to lie and … Continue reading

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Will Obamacare Implode?

He said it again Monday night on the Special Report All Star Panel – Charles Krauthammer was talking about Obamacare imploding. This idea that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee had about defunding Obamacare was all the wrong strategy – Republicans … Continue reading

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Examples are piling up of government incompetence

What’s distressing about the Obamacare train wreck are all the people who still want to turn to the government for anything. Not only has the government become, in many ways, the adversary of the people rather than our servant, but … Continue reading

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Can John Boehner control his caucus?

Charles Krauthammer said it again in last night’s Special Report All-Star Panel, about John Boehner: “He cannot control his caucus.” They’ve discussed this several times. I’d call it a Freudian slip, but it wasn’t a slip. I don’t think these … Continue reading

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Marilyn vos Savant and global warming.

I like to read Marilyn vos Savant’s column in the Sunday Parade Magazine. But her column this last Sunday decreased my respect for her substantially. She was asked if penguins could survive if introduced into the Northern Hemisphere. Here’s how … Continue reading

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The debt ceiling negotiations – a mine field for Republicans

I have several blog posts urging John Boehner to stand firm on the budget and leave the government shut down indefinitely, if he has to. But the debt ceiling is a different matter. Here Republicans could be playing with fire. … Continue reading

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This is how we do the budget

Oh, how I’d love to be the Speaker of the House right now. I would make a statement and say that 83% of the government is operating, and that’s enough – everything essential is running. And I would say that … Continue reading

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Republicans are winning the shutdown battle – here’s how I can tell

Yes, it’s clear that Republicans are winning this battle over the budget, in the metrics that really matter. But will they win in the end? That depends on their strength of will. If you measure winning and losing by how … Continue reading

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Obamacare was passed fraudulently, not fair and square

I love how Obama tries to paint his signature legislation now as being passed fair and square, properly signed by him, and validated by the Supreme Court, so these Tea Party Republicans should just get over it – give up. … Continue reading

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