Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

Re-writing the 14th amendment

So we have this argument over birthright citizenship—does the 14th Amendment to the Constitution grant citizenship to the children of foreigners who are born in this country? Only if you re-write it. Here is what the amendment says: All persons … Continue reading

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The Republican way of ruling against the will of the people

So on Tuesday, March 3, the House of Representatives voted to fund the Department of Homeland Security without any restrictions on immigration. It was billed as a victory for President Obama (see the NPR report of the vote) and it … Continue reading

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Social Security in Spanish – it’s so easy to apply!

My wife was applying for Social Security benefits this morning and I went with her. The largest poster I saw in the waiting room was one in Spanish proclaiming how easy it was to apply for Social Security and Medicare … Continue reading

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Republican response to Obama – just whine

It is truly tragic and at the same time laughable the Republican response to Obama. I was listening to last night’s All Star Panel on Special Report where Steve Hayes and Charles Krauthammer were floating various things Congress could do … Continue reading

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The emperor and his enablers

I, like many Americans, was sickened by Obama’s address last night. It was his brazen lawlessness. It was the transparent contradiction in his reasoning: saying on the one hand that he is exercising legitimate executive discretion in acting as presidents … Continue reading

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The disgusting, pro-amnesty Republican leadership in Congress

I believe there are many Republicans who, like me, are disgusted with what the Republican leadership is trying to do with immigration reform. A recent poll by John McLaughlin exposed how much we’ve been lied to by Republicans on this … Continue reading

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Immigration reform – something going on behind the scenes here

In the closing minutes of the Mark Levin Show on Friday, Congressman Steve King of Iowa called in to warn us about this immigration bill, specifically the Corker Amendment which was proposed on Friday. He had just discovered a provision … Continue reading

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Republican Corruption and the Immigration Bill

They’re trying to ram through this immigration bill now before the people can figure out what’s in it and rise up against it. It was pretty plain why the Democrats did this when they controlled the entire Congress, but it’s … Continue reading

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This isn’t immigration reform – it’s comprehensive Democrat importation

Those who know me well know how visceral is my hatred of pretense. And a whole lot of pretense is what we have in this debate over what almost everyone is calling immigration reform. They all have to know that … Continue reading

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Obama cooking the books on deportation numbers

In Mark Levin’s opening monologue in his radio show last night, he exposed how the Obama administration has cooked the books, manipulated the numbers, in order to be able to boast that they have deported a record number of illegal aliens … Continue reading

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Obama administration getting real tough on illegals

David Marin with ICE Enforcement and Removal in Los Angeles was shown Wednesday on Fox News’ Special Report, saying, “I think we’re putting the message out that, you know, if you come to the United States and get convicted of a … Continue reading

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Gloria Allred on the Mark Levin Show

I heard Gloria Allred being interviewed on the Mark Levin show last night. Boy, were there sparks! Remember that this is the same Gloria Allred who brought a lawsuit against then Republican Gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwartzenegger shortly before the 2003 election … Continue reading

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