Monthly Archives: July 2010

The nutty decision by Judge Susan Bolton

I liked Andy McCarthy’s description of Judge Susan Bolton’s decision today to issue a temporary injunction against Arizona’s attempt to enforce federal immigration law. He called it nuts. Read his article about the Arizona Immigration Decision. Charles Krauthammer relayed McCarthy’s reasoning this evening … Continue reading

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Attacks on Liberty Getting More Blatant with DISCLOSE Act

Oh, the DISCLOSE Act, they make it sound so noble. In President Obama’s remarks calling for passing of the DISCLOSE Act, he said, “At a time of such challenge for America, we can’t afford these political games. Millions of Americans … Continue reading

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Illegals Fleeing Arizona

Read this article posted on Reuters, about Illegals Fleeing Arizona. A couple of things really fascinate me about this. First, remember how the Ruling Class was telling us that we just had to put up with illegal immigration, and mocked … Continue reading

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Mike Pence, Stand Up!

I like Mike Pence (R-IN), and maybe it’s not fair to categorize this post under “Wimpy Republicans.” It’s maybe a lack of being articulate enough. Congressman Pence appeared on Fox News Sunday July 18, 2010, with House Democrat James Clyburn … Continue reading

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Reflections on the bursting of the Lake Delhi Dam in Iowa

I saw on the Drudge Report this morning an article about the Lake Delhi Dam in eastern Iowa that broke last Saturday, July 24. They had had about ten inches of rain in a 12-hour period, and it overwhelmed the … Continue reading

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Thoughts on the Shirley Sherrod matter

The administration, in a knee-jerk reaction, fired Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod because of a video that surfaced of a speech in which she talked about not wanting to help a poor farmer simply because he was white. They … Continue reading

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America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution

There is a landmark article in the July/August 2010 issue of The American Spectator that deserves a lot of attention. Written by Angelo M. Codevilla, it is titled “America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution.” Angelo Codevilla is a professor … Continue reading

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