Monthly Archives: February 2016

Of course Guantanamo is a recruitment tool for terrorists

Obama is right and his critics are wrong on this one. The Guantanamo prison is clearly a recruitment tool for terrorists. Obama releases the prisoners, and the terrorists go after those released and my understanding is that they recruit a … Continue reading

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I’d like Scott Walker to get back in the race

I’m despairing over presidential election politics. The only viable candidate left in the race who has integrity, Ted Cruz, is getting smeared so awfully that it appears to be killing his chances. Some of it is his own fault. Back … Continue reading

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Does Trump mean anything he says?

Just a quick thought after hearing Donald Trump threaten lawsuits against Ted Cruz, which we know he doesn’t actually intend to file. How much else of what he is saying doesn’t he actually intend to do? Will he really build … Continue reading

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Where’s your pen and your phone now, Mr. Obama?

Ever since he lost control of Congress in 2010, Obama has been running roughshod over them. They don’t do what he wants? Well, he just takes out his pen and his phone. Well, now, let’s see him try to “pen … Continue reading

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