Category Archives: Budget

What’s the REAL reason Republicans are taking a government shutdown off the table

Last fall, when Senator Ted Cruz was urging Republicans to stand firm against Obamacare and letting Obama shut down the government over the issue, the “voices of moderation” in the Republican Party were all telling us that this would spell … Continue reading

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This disgusting, corrupt budget process

It used to nearly make my hair nearly stand on end to hear the rant of libertarians, years ago, that there was no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. However, in regard to the leadership of the Republican party, that … Continue reading

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This is how we do the budget

Oh, how I’d love to be the Speaker of the House right now. I would make a statement and say that 83% of the government is operating, and that’s enough – everything essential is running. And I would say that … Continue reading

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Republicans are winning the shutdown battle – here’s how I can tell

Yes, it’s clear that Republicans are winning this battle over the budget, in the metrics that really matter. But will they win in the end? That depends on their strength of will. If you measure winning and losing by how … Continue reading

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Fiscal cliffs, fiscal potholes, and the coming fiscal avalanche

Senator Mike Lee of Utah gets it. I just read an article where he talks about the fiscal cliff we supposedly avoided. He was one of only eight senators who voted against the fiscal cliff deal, and he gives his … Continue reading

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My analysis of the fiscal cliff vote and John Boehner’s future.

The lead article on the Drudge Report this hour is about whether or not Boehner will keep his speakership, and there is a poll on the right side asking “John Boehner for Speaker of the House?” I voted no, and … Continue reading

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Was Mark Levin partly responsible for John Boehner’s glorious defeat?

Well, to Boehner, his defeat is embarrassing. But to me it is glorious. Last night, in the second hour of his radio, Mark Levin called for a “Levin surge.” He gave out the phone number for the congressional switchboard and … Continue reading

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Speaker Suicide: More Taxes, More Debt

Drudge only had this headline up for half an hour this morning. It said: “Speaker Suicide: More Taxes, More Debt.” When I read it I thought, “We can only hope.” I see two possible positive outcome over the fiscal cliff … Continue reading

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Tim Huelskamp for Speaker!

Oh, the treachery of John Boehner. I just got an e-mail from Congressman Tim Huelskamp. He is one of the three that John Boehner booted off of key committees because of their public disagreement with the leadership. I have heard … Continue reading

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You call THIS a fiscal cliff? You haven’t seen anything yet!

I think Howard Dean spilled the beans for the Democrats when he explained why he is not afraid of the fiscal cliff. He said, “The truth is, everybody needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich.” Which means, if … Continue reading

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The Democrats Brer Rabbit negotiating strategy on the fiscal cliff

As a Republican, John Boehner scares me when he gets into negotiations with the Democrats. They run circles around him. He acts tough early on in the process, and then he caves and strikes the most horrendous deals. Chris Wallace … Continue reading

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Charitable deductions in the crosshairs

The agonizing over the fiscal cliff would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Here we have the players including House Speaker John Boehner, the President, and various senators, wringing their hands over dealing with the looming fiscal cliff, when … Continue reading

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