Tag Archives: Mike Lee

Will Obamacare Implode?

He said it again Monday night on the Special Report All Star Panel – Charles Krauthammer was talking about Obamacare imploding. This idea that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee had about defunding Obamacare was all the wrong strategy – Republicans … Continue reading

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Don’t Fund Obamacare!

Here is the link to sign the petition to defund Obamacare. www.dontfundobamacare.com This is being spearheaded by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and it appears that there is also involvement by the Senate Conservatives Fund, which was started by … Continue reading

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Fiscal cliffs, fiscal potholes, and the coming fiscal avalanche

Senator Mike Lee of Utah gets it. I just read an article where he talks about the fiscal cliff we supposedly avoided. He was one of only eight senators who voted against the fiscal cliff deal, and he gives his … Continue reading

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