Monthly Archives: October 2015

Romney paved the way for Obamacare

During the 2012 presidential election campaign, I caught grief from Mormon friends and some family members for not supporting Mitt Romney. I made several posts on this blog about being LDS and not for Romney. There was a feeling among … Continue reading

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Some questions for you climate change followers

The first question: Does it bother you that your climate change alarmist missionaries seem to be opposed to free and open debate on the issue? As a scientist by training, I can tell you that in no other field of … Continue reading

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A shooting like we had in Roseburg would not have happened in the wild West

As President Obama wrapped up his trip to Roseburg, Oregon on Friday trying to politically exploit the tragedy, it’s worth noting some interesting facts about these shootings. But first, I would like to point out Obama’s lack of credibility with … Continue reading

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