Monthly Archives: May 2012

Get Screwed by Dick Morris

I’ve decided to add a new subject category to this blog – books. On Friday, Mark Levin had Dick Morris on as a guest, talking about his new book: Screwed!: How Foreign Countries Are Ripping America Off and Plundering Our … Continue reading

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A little stunned by the brazen budget lies

It was a little over a week ago when Rex Nutting’s famous column was published in the Wall Street Journal alleging that Obama’s Spending Spree Never Happened. As used as I am to the lies of the Left, I must … Continue reading

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A Tea Party defense of Utah Senator Orrin Hatch

Wednesday night, Mark Levin, on his radio show, gave a spirited defense of Senator Orrin Hatch. Senator Hatch is being challenged in his re-election bid by fellow Republican and former Utah State Senator Dan Liljenquist. The Left presents this as … Continue reading

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Jon Stewart defends Romney’s Mormonism – funny!

I made no secret on this blog of my very lukewarm support for Mitt Romney for President during the primaries. My first preference was Michele Bachmann, my second was Rick Santorum. But I noticed along the way weird things happening, … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz for Senate

I heard Ted Cruz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show the other day. Was I impressed! I sent him some money. Ted Cruz is a constitutional and social conservative who is running for the U.S. Senate against Texas Lt. Gov. … Continue reading

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Gay marriage advocates and their intolerance of religion

I saw a posting on today that got my attention. There is a photograph of a sign at St. Francis Xavier church that says, “Two men are friends not spouses.” Next to the sign is a handwritten sign tacked … Continue reading

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Legalizing gay marriage will unleash a torrent of intolerance

Those pushing for legalizing same-sex marriage present it as a matter of tolerance and “civil rights.” That’s how President Obama explained his views. But it’s not about tolerance, it’s about intolerance. Let me explain. The Left has gotten away with … Continue reading

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Socially acceptable racism

Racism is the worst sin of the modern era. That is, unless it is black people hating white people. I was thinking about the firing of blogger Naomi Schaefer Riley for her critique the she wrote for The Chronicle of … Continue reading

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Let Obama Do His End Zone Dance

Yes, I like it that Barack Obama is talking so much about killing Osama Bin Laden, and I hope he keeps doing it. As one who wishes fervently for Obama’s defeat in November, I hope he runs campaign ads about … Continue reading

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