Tag Archives: Wipe Out Homophobia

Arizona SB 1062 – Senator Worsley checks his political courage at the door

Political moderates are interesting creatures. They like to stake out a position between the extremes so that they appear reasonable. It bugs me because in this day, when our freedoms are under serious assault, we need people of conviction and … Continue reading

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“Wipe Out Homophobia” – scary intolerance of religion

There is a group that is called “Wipe Out Homophobia” and they have a Facebook page. And they have over 400,000 likes. And they talk about love and tolerance. But think about the title of the group – it’s all … Continue reading

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Gay marriage advocates and their intolerance of religion

I saw a posting on Buzzfeed.com today that got my attention. There is a photograph of a sign at St. Francis Xavier church that says, “Two men are friends not spouses.” Next to the sign is a handwritten sign tacked … Continue reading

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