Monthly Archives: October 2011

Rick Perry stumbles in Fox News Sunday interview

Texas governor Rick Perry was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this morning. Leave it to Chris Wallace to zero in on the toughest questions, and for Rick Perry it was questioning his debating skills. After brushing off Chris’s … Continue reading

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Our liberties are secure. Right?

As we strive to maintain our liberties as a people and the qualities that have made us great as a nation, one of the obstacles is that so many people fail to see the erosion of those liberties. It happens … Continue reading

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Bachmann the most likely Republican candidate to beat Obama

Michele Bachmann was interviewed again by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. And I must say it was another stellar performance. She was asked about Herman Cain, about his blunders last week over abortion and negotiating with terrorists and changing … Continue reading

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Obama cooking the books on deportation numbers

In Mark Levin’s opening monologue in his radio show last night, he exposed how the Obama administration has cooked the books, manipulated the numbers, in order to be able to boast that they have deported a record number of illegal aliens … Continue reading

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The Post Office let the phone ring 49 minutes before answering

In my small business, we buy our stamps with “stamps by mail” order forms. Our recent order came back with a receipt indicating they had taken our money, but no stamps enclosed. So I had to call the post office … Continue reading

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A very impressive interview by Michele Bachmann on Special Report

Tonight, Special Report debuted their new feature, Center Seat, where they bring candidates to the studio to be questioned by their panel. Their first candidate was Michele Bachmann, and I was impressed with how she did. She answered the questions … Continue reading

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A disappointing interview by Herman Cain

I have liked Herman Cain and have put him in my top tier of Republican hopefuls: Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain – the three principled conservatives in the race. But his interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News … Continue reading

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