Tag Archives: Herman Cain

Michele Bachmann has not stumbled

I just finished reading a truly ignorant posting on TownHall.com by Victor Davis Hanson, about how we Republicans should “take our castor oil” and nominate Mitt Romney. Not only has his type of thinking led the Republican party to defeat time after … Continue reading

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Why Congress will not actually cut spending

Too many people do not actually understand the political strategy of the Democrats, so let me explain it. They are using the power of the government to entrench themselves, and it is happening on several levels. Senator Jim DeMint was … Continue reading

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Is Sharon Bialek like Potiphar’s wife? Is that what’s going on here?

There are at least a couple of strong parallels between the Herman Cain story and stories in the Bible. In reflecting on the Fox News Special Report panel of last night, I am reminded of the parable of the Good … Continue reading

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Herman Cain answering the sexual harrassment accusations

Herman Cain was interviewed Tuesday as part of Special Report’s “Center Seat” feature, where he sat down with the Special Report panel. They really grilled him about his response to these sexual harrassment allegations. He handled it well. Herman Cain’s … Continue reading

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Bachmann the most likely Republican candidate to beat Obama

Michele Bachmann was interviewed again by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. And I must say it was another stellar performance. She was asked about Herman Cain, about his blunders last week over abortion and negotiating with terrorists and changing … Continue reading

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A very impressive interview by Michele Bachmann on Special Report

Tonight, Special Report debuted their new feature, Center Seat, where they bring candidates to the studio to be questioned by their panel. Their first candidate was Michele Bachmann, and I was impressed with how she did. She answered the questions … Continue reading

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A disappointing interview by Herman Cain

I have liked Herman Cain and have put him in my top tier of Republican hopefuls: Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain – the three principled conservatives in the race. But his interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News … Continue reading

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Who won the Iowa debate? (from Arizona Tea Party Network)

The Arizona Tea Party Network is running an online poll asking who did the best in last night’s Republican debate. Here are the rankings so far, as of 11:00 this morning: Newt Gingrich – 34% Michele Bachmann – 21% Ron … Continue reading

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Herman Cain wins first Republican presidential debate

I first noticed Herman Cain when he was featured a few days ago on Fox’s Special Report, featured as one of the five participants in the upcoming debate, sponsored by Fox, in South Carolina. I told my wife this was a guy … Continue reading

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