Monthly Archives: July 2013

Finally figuring out black racism

Thanks to the George Zimmerman trial, some people seem to be finally figuring this out, that the new American racism is blacks who hate whites. I wrote about this a little over a year ago, that black people hating white … Continue reading

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The disgusting, pro-amnesty Republican leadership in Congress

I believe there are many Republicans who, like me, are disgusted with what the Republican leadership is trying to do with immigration reform. A recent poll by John McLaughlin exposed how much we’ve been lied to by Republicans on this … Continue reading

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Democracy is overrated – witness Egypt

This ranks with one of the stupidest things I have seen John McCain do – condemning the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood–led government in Egypt and calling for cutting off aid to the military in that country. The Egyptian military … Continue reading

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I’m through with Marco Rubio

I contributed to Marco Rubio in his run for the Senate in 2010. I loved his speech at last year’s Republican National Convention. I continue to get fundraising letters from him. But this last mailing I got from him, I … Continue reading

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