Category Archives: Liberal Republicans

Romney paved the way for Obamacare

During the 2012 presidential election campaign, I caught grief from Mormon friends and some family members for not supporting Mitt Romney. I made several posts on this blog about being LDS and not for Romney. There was a feeling among … Continue reading

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Karl Rove’s coverup

Eli Lake, intrepid reporter for the Daily Beast, broke this story on Thursday. It was Karl Rove who was at the center of what could be called a coverup of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Here … Continue reading

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Dr. Benjamin Carson reveals intolerance of Left

I listened to Dr. Benjamin Carson’s interview on the Mark Levin show Monday night. I love honesty and that’s why I loved this interview. I love it when the hypocrites, the phonies, the pretenders, are exposed. And there was a … Continue reading

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For McCain, political opportunism trumps character in attack on Bachmann

John McCain, last week, took to the floor of the Senate to condemn an investigation by Michele Bachmann and four other members of the House Intelligence Committee: Louie Gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland, Trent Franks, and Thomas Rooney. Here is what he … Continue reading

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Gail from Birmingham

I just got through listening to a most interesting caller on the Rush Limbaugh program. I record Rush during work, so I can listen to him later, and I was just flipping the tape over at the end of the first … Continue reading

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America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution

There is a landmark article in the July/August 2010 issue of The American Spectator that deserves a lot of attention. Written by Angelo M. Codevilla, it is titled “America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution.” Angelo Codevilla is a professor … Continue reading

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